How Do They Dare?

How Do They Dare:

to say they know how I feel?

to say they understand my pain?

to say I am overmedicated?

say I am overfed, or unleared?

to say I am just overreacting?

pretend to know what my lonely days are like?

to use my body when I said,”NO!”?

to laugh at a man in pain?

to feed my children their sick ideas, on love, on morality?

to say they know my God, when they don’t even use His name?

to feed the native people their poison corn, while they eat the fatted calf?

to make my mother pay for the chemo that killed her?

to say they have my best interest at heart, when they don’t have a heart to know?

How far shall I go? How far do I dare?

I do Dare, because I am full of power, power to read for myself what the Good Book says, not their interpretation.

I am full of power to make up for my own mind what God I will serve.

I will not bow down to the TV god, who shows me that all that glitters is dead.

The power I have in this mind God gave me tells me to reject the lies of the politicians, who say my sons must kill other humans.

Reject the lies of the church that says my sons must die for a god that belongs to lying politicians.

I have the power Jehovah gives me to fight for my right to believe in his Son, Jesus Christ, a Son who restores life to the dead, who is the very image of his Father, and who Is my reigning King.

For Him I will gladly die, I will gladly die for my brother.

Freedom lies in the Truth, and lies never lead to freedom.

I have the power to open my mouth, to pick up my pen, to type on my keyboard, because you are all my neighbors, and it is my moral obligation to try to help you Survive!

Survive through the lies, live into a peace that comes from Freedom, the wonderful freedom of the children of God.

I will be there, I will be the one with the big smile, and the open arms to welcome you.

We will never have to feel the Big Empty, anymore.

We will never want our eyes to shut, forever.

The Great Gnawing Fear that has dogged us all our lives will be gone, and there will be no more burning pain.

The 1st liar in history will be gone, Our King will see to that, just as His Father promised.

They won’t dare to lie anymore, the time for lying will be over.

Then the greatest thing of all will happen: our people who have died will come out of the grave and Live again, and Love us again!

Death, the result of the 1st lie ever told, will be thrown away, forever!

No one will ever hurt us again!!!

They wouldn’t  dare!!

What is Paradise? What does it mean to you, if you could just glimpse it in your mind’s eye?

To me it means peace, and a beautiful quiet. No one yelling, no one swearing, no one hating. Clean water, clean air. The joy of making this earth a beautiful garden again, with no pollution, no decay. Endless years of life in a perfect, pain-free, young body, and waking up like I did as a kid, with wonder in my eyes at the possibilities for the day! Perfection means feet that can run, arms that can hug, a heart that can truly feel love, all under our loving God, Jehovah.

(Please take this chance, and dare to be different. dare to ask questions, and be brave enough to accept the truth when you hear it…)

Like that young actor said at the Oscars, keep being weird! And brave!

this kind of started out as a poem, but then I started thinking about how awful conditions have gotten, all the terrible acts of violence. And the only solution they ever talk about includes inflicting some kind of suffering on someone else. Sanction, war, airstrikes, and on and on.

I just want to give someone hope…there is a way of peace…more self portraits 024Picture 005Picture 013the fall at arby's,con't 132