Was it “Just Another Day”?

        Not sure, not sure… I thought I did well, but the arrow through my middle is still there. That feeling is either grief or heartburn, which can really be used interchangeably. What is grief if not a burning of the heart? But, I digress. I think I got through today fairly well, I was not bowled over with sadness, nor images of her death as I have been in years past. Rather, I decided to celebrate her life today, to remember only good and wonderful things, and I was not obsessed. It was very freeing, actually.

Dad , however, was a real “not -very-nice-person” today, and rather than dealing with him in a loving and gentle manner- I was a real smart-butt. saying things like, “I guess you don’t know where the trashbags are anymore, huh Pops?”. Really low stuff. I learn about not taking away the ill person’s dignity and pride, and then I turn around ten minutes later and do exactly that! I seemed to really lay it on thick today, I sure hope Dad does not remember what a cruel daughter he has.

   As a child, growing up I played the clown, bee-bopping through life trying to always keep the peace in the home that I so desperately longed for. If everyone was looking at me, they would forget to hate each other! So, I danced the co-dependent’s dance, completely burying whoever I really was. 

I remember that girl being really smart- the teacher’s gave her special tests, and had her sit up in the front of the class, to be a hated example held up in all the other kid’s faces. I still remember the names they called that girl: Brain, Nerd, Bookworm, Four-Eyes…The Education board even had a “special category” for studants like myself, and they touted it to the parents: “You are the parent of a child who qualifies for the “Advanced Education Program” as an “exceptional student”! Oh boy, somebody help me contain my excitement. Now the other kids had more reasons to hate me.

My mother took me up to the school on a Saturday, and I saw all the other “exceptional” kids. All the wierdos and bookworms and losers gathered in one place, and here I was: one of “them”. I had to find a way out of this. About that time the Professors showed up and we were escorted into the “testing area” away from our nervous parents, who all waited with bated breath to hear if their kid was going to the Moon, or to work for the CIA.

The tests seemed stupid. A bunch of hypothetical questions about how I would solve certain problems, like, if I had a pair of shoes in a locked closet in Tennessee, how would I know what size box to put my red felt hat into in Mexico,  if it were Sunday and the federal tax was 2.9%. Yeah, those kinds of questions.

I muddled through somehow, and got to have a milkshake at the  “Big Boy” on the way home. All in all, a day well lived. Weeks went by, and finally a letter: I had passed and would soon be admitted to these wonderful classes. I must admit, I was excited! The reality, however, was about as interesting as unsalted air-popped popcorn. It had all been a bunch of hot air..(get it? hot air? air-popped popcorn? ha, I am SO witty!!!)

    Anyway, the only real difference I noticed was I had 2 art classes a day, and advanced Engish, where I could read with the seniors. It was pretty cool, but the year passed and I found pot. Pot made my life bearable, especially when Mom and Dad totally lost interest in me. I remember bringing my report card home with all A’s but one, and they barely glanced at it. So I quit trying too. Everybody liked me better stoned, i was a much better clown.

                      One day I tell you more about how the real Kiko dissapeared. In the mean time, be kind to a nerdy kid, he just wants  to be like all the others. Ordinary and loved. 

But for now, I am content. I have a Mom and Dad who did the best they knew how, and they worked so hard all their lives to care for us, They were not perfect, and feelings were hurt- but guess what- I hurt the people I love too. We don’t do it on purpose, I don’t think. We just muddle through:). Hug you parents today!!!

A Sampling of Poetry for Your Perusal, Gentle Reader…

What a bunch of malarkey, huh? I once knew where that saying originated (malarkey), but now I’m not sure… See, I digress in my first sentence! (bad, bad, bad…) I have been totally bee-boppin’ manic today, for whatever reason. However, I am determined to post some of my poetry tonight, I will not rest until I do! I will most likely not rest even if I do, but that’s neither here nor there. (see, those little sayings just keep cropping up) (see what I mean!!! cropping up…)

Oh brother!, I had better get this written, and hang it up for the night! (hang it u….NO!) breathing deeply, in…out…in…out…

I hope you folks enjoy- there are more where these came from…



Hush in jungle, forest deep,

rain drops drown, leaves silence keep;

damp paw treads in undergrowth,

peers out at liquid day.


Mists hang, palm fronds dangle,

bright plumage quiet in green tangle;

blue/grey/purple clouds drift by,

doe huddles in clinging coat.


smell of plant-rot thick in nostril,

beast lies sated, slit-eyed, docile;

steam-breathes onto sleeping young,

question marks on damp moss.


silhoutte in tree tops, mourning doves,

butterfly hangs, wet leaf above;

rivulets run down blackened bark,

blanket of cloud covers eden.

s.t. martin, 2012

Weekly Photo Challenge: Treasure

underneath the mighty Oak I lie...
underneath the mighty Oak I lie…

I have many treasures. I am a “Keeper of Unusual Things”. I like to think of myself as a packrat, who looks more like a possum. I happen to think possums are incredibly cute, with their little vampire faces and rat-like bodies and tails. I know, this is contrary to public opinion- but I have never put much stock in the opinion of the rotten old public. The public probably wouldn’t like me keeping mice as childhood pets and teaching them to ride around on rollers skates, or walking my cats on leashes. I have always been kind of oddly oriented towards the underdogs of the animal world, when I was about 9 my favorite hangout was an anthill. For fun, I would put the poor dears in glass jars and freeze them, then thaw them out under Dad’s heat lamp, thereby ressurecting them. Needless to say I didn’t have many human child friends at this stage in my development.
But my love of insects, mammals, birds, flora and fauna has followed me my entire life. The natural world, God’s magnificent Creation that surrounds me outside everyday- this is truly a Treasure of the highest order. I have lived at this location for the past 25 years or so, and in my backyard I have gardened extensively, and tried to create a sort of wild life sanctuary. The yard’

underneath the mighty Oak I lie...
underneath the mighty Oak I lie…

s main anchor, the largest focal point, is a tree. Not just any tree either.
“The Tree” is a gorgeous example of an oak in all her mighty splendor. She is home to a colony of squirrels , who have thrived and froliced in her branches for many squirrel generations. every day upon waking, I go out under her massive canopy and place sunflower seeds for the furry critters and glorious assortment of bird species that drop by. As this is south Florida, and the house is backed by a strip of unmolested land all the way to the St. Lucie River on one side and the Savannah’s State preserve on the other, the variety of migrating birds is endlessly amazing.
Today, to my incredulous eyes, I watched a pair of Marsh Hawks mating, they are recent additions to the neighborhood, and think it is great that I feed their prey so well. I have seen and photographed pilated woodpeckers, cedar waxwings, goldfinches, hummingbirds, woodstork, ibis, sandhill cranes, robins, scrub and blue jays, flickers,and cardinals, just to name a few.
In the branches of the Mighty Oak they have found food and shelter, resting places and nesting places. And underneath this wonderful tree, I have lain on my back and dreamed, looking up into her healing branches and feeling a part of something grand and timeless. I tell this tree my troubles and triumphs, and now and then- whether anyone sees me or not- I hug her.
I treasure my Oak Tree.

underneath the mighty Oak I lie...
underneath the mighty Oak I lie…